
spread out معنى

spread out أمثلة على
  • استقر
  • spread    adj. منشور, غماس, ...
  • out    adj. خارجي, بعيد, ...
  • be spread out    إنسطح; انسطح; تمدد ...


    المزيد من الجملة:  التالية
  1. Have the men spread out pick up any stragglers they can find.
    إحاولو إلتقاط اي رجال تائهين تجدونهم
  2. Keep spread out and hunt for sign.
    ونمضى قُدُماً حتى الريف الأعظم. انتشروا فى المكان وابحثوا عن أثر.
  3. The city was at my feet, spread out like an oyster.
    المدينة كانت عند قدمى, تنتشر مثل المحار
  4. Spread out some paper and then build us a house.
    إنتشرْ بَعْض الورقةِ وبعد ذلك تَبْنينا a بيت.
  5. Relax, Turtle. Ari probably just wants to spread out the celebs.
    استرخي يا (تورتل) (آري) يحاول تفريق المشاهير

تعريف الإنجليزية

  1. set out or stretch in a line, succession, or series; "the houses were strung out in a long row"
    مرادفات string out
  2. spread out or open from a closed or folded state; "open the map"; "spread your arms"
    مرادفات unfold, spread, open
  3. move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached";
    مرادفات disperse, dissipate, scatter
  4. turn outward; "These birds can splay out their toes"; "ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees"
    مرادفات turn out, splay, rotate
  5. move outward; "The soldiers fanned out"
    مرادفات diffuse, spread, fan out
  6. extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands"
    مرادفات expand
  7. strew or distribute over an area; "He spread fertilizer over the lawn"; "scatter cards across the table"
    مرادفات spread, scatter

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. spread eagle معنى
  2. spread like wildfire معنى
  3. spread manure معنى
  4. spread of islam معنى
  5. spread of islam in indonesia معنى
  6. spread over معنى
  7. spread rumor معنى
  8. spread spectrum multiple access معنى
  9. spread-winged skipper معنى
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